The Empowerment Clinic

With Dr. Alysha | Therapist & Wellness Speaker

Together we are Changing the Narrative

Have You Ever…

  • Compared rest to weakness?

  • Felt like you had to work twice as hard, only to be seen as half as good?

  • Second guessed yourself and your abilities?

  • Made jokes about depression, suicide, or feelings in general?

  • Felt hypervigilant in crowds or public places?

  • Experienced or witnessed police brutality? Repeatedly??

  • Had a Superwoman or Superman complex?

  • Experienced “the blues”?

  • Used drugs or alcohol in excess to cope with stressors?

  • Experienced sudden or unexplainable crying spells?

If yes and you’re not sure what to do about it, acknowledgement is great place to start!

How we’ve been dealing with things

“What happens in this family, stays in this family”

“Don’t talk to outsiders about our business”

“If our people survived slavery, we can survive anything”

“We don’t go to therapy; we go to church”

“Snap out of it”

“Just pray on it”

But what we’re now admitting more, is that this kind of mentality and secret can have serious long-lasting effects on your wellbeing. Praying to your Higher Power can be a valuable outlet for managing challenging experiences. Therapy can also be a resource for objective assistance and support. It doesn’t have to be one or the other, you can do both.


Just like physical health, mental health is a key component to your quality of life and should be cared for with compassion and intent. A social stigma still exists around this subject in many Black communities, and we’re not talking about it enough. But we need to be talking about mental health the most, in order to strengthen our emotional understanding and stability, to improve overall wellness.

A bit of knowledge can go a very long, life changing way. That is why I am leading more conversations about mental health, sharing resources, and encouraging healthy support and community to increase your quality of life.

Healing comes in many forms, and more and more there are healers in those rooms that look like you and me. When we talk to each other about our lives and experiences, there is power in validation and relatability. By sharing resources and developing skills, we can help one another to keep going instead of remaining stuck.


If you’re ready to Be Empowered, choose a button below to start the process.
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